
Why some youths introverted while some extroverts? Why some guys sad when get A and the others happy when C+? Why some teenagers date a different opposite sex in every weak while others date same partner from secondary school to graduation from university? Answers to these questions are seems to be hidden in emotional intelligence. 356 university students answered Bar-On E.I. (1997) 133 items questioner with indicating gander, program, class drama course taken. Female students seem to be more emotional intelligent than their male counter parts. Freshman, sophomores’ classes have more E.I. point than junior, and seniors. Social science program’ students are more emotional intelligent that science students. And the last one student who took drama course are seems to be more emotionally intelligent. These findings are parallel with other many research findings. These predictable results bring us to the question of what we can do for university students with insufficient emotional intelligence. Cultural excursions, student clubs, theater and drama activities are ready suggestions. However, further research should focus on whether these activities are in fact sufficient to develop emotional intelligence. Future studies should be conduct on experimental studies that explore effectiveness of emotional intelligence programs.

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