
Emotional intelligence as the ability to develop potential, empathize, cooperate, motivate, and develop others cannot be separated from the system of effective activity and human resource management. The article raises the question of the growing acceptability of emotional intelligence as the main factor in the structure of personality self-regulation. It has been emphasized that interpersonal relationships require a mutual understanding of others' emotions, what they feel or think, what motivates them, how they react, their views on various topics, strengths or weaknesses, approaches to work, etc. The understanding of true emotional intelligence has been substantiated. The research in the field of development of the emotional sphere of the individual self-regulation has been characterized. The authors have done the theoretical discourse of the leading models of emotional intelligence by R. Bar-On, J.D. Mayer-P. Salovey-D. Caruso and D. Goleman. A theoretical analysis of four areas of emotional intelligence has been given, namely, the detection of emotions; the use of emotions; understanding emotions; management of emotions. Prospects for further research have been outlined as an empirical study of an individual emotional intelligence and its role as a factor of self-regulation of the personality.

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