
Abstract. The formation of emotional and aesthetic experience of students in the process of artistic activity is important. We consider the educational environment in the arts college in the context of the implementation of the mechanisms of creative self-development of the individual. The tasks facing the teacher in the process of teaching students artistic activity are formulated. To consider the essence and structure of emotional and aesthetic experience we use theoretical research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison, systematization, generalization. Emotional and aesthetic experience is a complex, multifaceted, multi-level, multi-functional integral education. The complexity lies in the multiplicity – in their diversity in the sense of belonging to different fields of knowledge, the multilevel – in the constant improvement of components, starting from a different initial level of formation. In this type of experience, the following structural components are special, psychological, pedagogical and organizational. We analyze each component in detail and its significance for the formation of the emotional and aesthetic experience of students. Teachers do not sufficiently have technologies that could contribute to the intensive desire of a college student for creative self-development, especially in terms of enriching the personal emotional and aesthetic experience of performing. The theoretical results obtained are of interest to the scientific and pedagogical community, practicing teachers, and students.

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