
The purpose of the research is to determine the specificity of the emotion of anger, characteristic of conflict communication (based on the material of Ukrainian and English phraseology). The research material is 82 phraseological units (45 Ukrainian and 37 English). Anger is an emotion characteristic of conflict communication (representation using various linguistic means of the process of creating and deploying a communicative space caused by the clash of different views, needs, and values of linguopersons, which develops into a contradiction of varying degrees of sharpness). Its constitutive features are aggressiveness, tension, impulsiveness, energy, activity, strength, mostly a clear focus on a non-specific subject (a specific object, a specific circumstance, a specific phenomenon, etc.), usually negative functionality in communication. The emotion of anger in the material of Ukrainian and English phraseology is manifested in 4 main aspects: 1) active aggression (expressed procedurally, by certain actions), in particular verbal (33 PhU); 2) anger as a momentary or permanent feature of the subject of conflict communication (27 PhU); 3) anger, explained with the help of a person’s appearance (mostly – with a look) (14 PhU); 4) a feeling of calmness after a state of anger (8 PhU). Anger as a process, an action is more characteristic of the English-speaking emotional picture of the world; at the same time, the verbalization of the transfer of anger by appearance, look, as well as the state of calmness are characteristic features of Ukrainian phraseology in the first place; the description of anger as a sign of personality is equally significant for both Ukrainian and English phraseology. The emotion of anger has a powerful conflictogenic (which can cause conflict communication) and actually conflict (which directly embodies conflict communication) potential.

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