
Baduta is a baby aged 0 to 24 months or referred to as the golden periode. The golden periode in Baduta is very important in life, where there is a process of optimal and rapid brain growth and development for survival (Ariani, 2017). Baduta are among the most vulnerable to various nutritional problems, where the body’s physiological functions change rapidly, starting from growth and development, organ systems and nervous systems (Susetyawati, 2017). Based on data from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2010 nutritional status with indicators of BMI/U children aged 6-12 years in the category of very thin 4,6 %, thin 7,6 %, normal 78,6% and obese 9,2 %, while the nutritional status (indicator of TB /U) children with stunting prevalence (very short 15,1%, short 20%) and normal 64,5% (Ministry of Health, 2010). The method in this community service activity includes the stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. This community service in the form of emo demos and counseling was carried out to provide insight to Baduta mothers on the importance of balanced nutrition needs and parenting patterns for children. This activity contributes to increasing knowledge for Baduta mothers about the importance of balanced nutrition needs and parenting patterns, and increasing awareness of baduta mothers to provide healthy snacks to their children. Optimal nutritional and health status in this group is important and maintained to help the process of growth and development, thinking, optimal physical activity, and maintaining the body’s immune system. So we from STIKES Muhammadiyah Kendal try to be agents of change, one of which is by providing education on the importance of balanced nutrition needs, parenting pattern and healthy snacks for Baduta.

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