
Heavy duty diesel (HDD) equipment play an important role in constructing Indonesian infrastructure. This paper proposes a methodology for recording an emission inventory for HDD equipment that formulates emission factors as a baseline of current emissions quantities. The sample case of the proposed emissions inventory technique is based on a small part of Indonesia’s national toll road project: Rembang-Pasuruan toll road project. Rembang-Pasuruan toll road is a part of Gempol-Pasuruan toll road, a piece of national infrastructure project called Trans-Java Toll road that runs from Merak, Northwestern end of Java, to Banyuwangi, the eastern end of the island. This toll road connects almost all major cities and landmarks of the island with the total length of the road is nearly 1,167 km. The length of Gempol-Pasuruan toll road is about 34.15 km, and consists of three section: Section I, Gempol-Rembang 13.9 km, Section II, Rembang-Pasuruan 6.6 km, and Section III, Pasuruan-Grati 13.65 km. This toll road project utilizes a HDD fleet that includes 9 excavators, 2 bulldozers, 2 roller compactors, 1 motor-grader and 1 paver. This equipment consumes large quantities of diesel fuel and release air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matters (PM). The proposed inventory technique in this paper addresses the key attributes of the equipment on how long it is used during its operational life and how emission rates of NOx and PM are estimated. By using emission factors calculated from equipment’s key attributes, it is revealed that all equipment in the project release approximately 452.12 gr/hr of NOx or 3400.97 gr/day on average, and emit 31.99 gr/hr of PM or equals to 252.92 gr/day.

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