
AbstractTo understand the generation and propagation processes of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves under different geomagnetic conditions in the inner magnetosphere, we performed a statistical study of EMIC wave properties observed by the Van Allen Probes from February 2013 to December 2016. We divided EMIC waves into two groups: those associated with and those occurring without injections observed by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES‐13 and GOES‐15). We found that the EMIC wave polarization sense ε increased and the normalized frequency X decreased with increasing |MLAT|. Inside the plasmasphere, He+ EMIC waves were predominantly observed with left‐hand polarization (ε< −0.3) and higher wave normal angles (θk = 30–40° ). Those associated with injections showed the most intense wave power at 14–16 MLT, compared to periods without injections when these waves exhibit a similar wave power but on the dayside. H+ EMIC waves were predominantly observed outside the plasmasphere on the dayside and showed a mixture of left‐hand and linear polarizations (ε = −0.3–0.0) with lower wave normal angles (θk = 20–30° ) regardless of injections. Moreover, H+ EMIC waves were accompanied by a solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement (ΔPsw = 0.5 nPa). From these observations, we suggest that hot injected plasma contributes to the generation of intense He+ EMIC waves in the afternoon sector. A mixture of expanding cold plasmaspheric ions and coexisting hot ring current ions acts as the free energy source for He+ EMIC waves on the dayside during quiet times. Solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements are likely the major driver of H+ EMIC waves outside the plasmasphere.

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