There is a constant drive to pack electronics into smaller spaces. Recently, IoT devices such as smart watches, wearables and other connectivity devices have been major drivers of further miniaturization and spurred System in Package ‘SIP’ innovations. SIP enables several integrated circuits (ICs) along with larger capacitors/inductors to be housed in one package. Many of these ICs operate at radio frequencies and the proximity increases electromagnetic interference (EMI). The traditional solution of soldering a ‘metal can’ is not feasible. On the other hand, 5G enabled devices and high frequency communication electronics require shielding well beyond RF, typically 5 ? 25 GHz and beyond. Compartmental and conformal shielding of the package is necessary and sputtered metal has typically been utilized to provide the shield. The traditional sputtering method is a Physical Vapor Deposition process (PVD) that involves vaporizing a metal and depositing it onto the surfaces of the components. PVD is currently the most commonly used method to apply the EMI shield and it requires a complex, multi-step process. Alternatively, the technology is seeing a shift to sprayable or jettable conductive-based ink conformal shielding. This approach brings about substantial total cost of ownership and UPH/throughput advantages as the ink-based processes (spray/jet) does not require vacuum, and relatively low temperatures (at or below 180C in most cases). From a technology perspective, ink-based approaches have the advantage in shielding complex 3D, non line-of-sight packages and electronic module housings, directed (mask-less) shielding with no major drop in shielding performance or REL (reliability) behavior.
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