
From an initial thought of being used as a cellular garbage bin to a promising target for liquid biopsies, the role of exosomes has drastically evolved in just a few years of their discovery in 1983. Exosomes are naturally secreted nano-sized vesicles, abundant in all types of body fluids and can be isolated intact even from the stored biological samples. Being stable carriers of genetic material (cellular DNA, mRNA and miRNA) and having specific cargo (signature content of originating cells), exosomes play a crucial role in pathogenesis and have been identified as a novel source of biomarkers in a variety of disease conditions. Recently exosomes have emerged as a promising 'liquid biopsy tool'and have shown great potential in the field of non-invasive disease diagnostics, prognostics and treatment response monitoring in both communicable as well as non-communicable diseases. However, there are certain limitations to overcome which restrict the use of exosome-based liquid biopsy as a gold standard testing procedure in routine clinical practices. The present review summarizes the current knowledge on the role of exosomes as the liquid biopsy tool in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment response monitoring in communicable and non-communicable diseases and highlights the major limitations, technical advancements and future prospects of the utilization of exosome-based liquid biopsy in clinical interventions.

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