
BACKGROUND Human fascioliasis is an emerging zoonotic disease caused by the trematodes, or flatworms, Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica, also known as liver flukes. This retrospective study aimed to report the epidemiological findings in 95 cases of human fascioliasis in Dali, Yunnan Province, southwestern China, diagnosed between 2012 and 2021. MATERIAL AND METHODS The epidemiologic and clinical data of 95 patients diagnosed with human fascioliasis in Dali area from January 2012 to December 2021 were collected and retrospectively analyzed. The diagnosis of fascioliasis was based on the Chinese National Standard of Diagnosis of Fascioliasis (WS/T566-2017). RESULTS The mean age of patients was 38.54±15.68 years, and there were more female patients than male (61.05% vs 38.95%). The high-incidence seasons were identified as summer and autumn. The patients with human fascioliasis lived in pastoral areas or were infected F. gigantica by consuming contaminated vegetables or water containing metacercaria. Meanwhile, human fascioliasis was diagnosed by positive serologic tests (1: 640), and Fasciola eggs (144-180×73-96 μm) were detected in stool samples of 6 patients. The most common clinical features were abdominal pain (70.53%), accompanied by elevated eosinophils in 89.5% of these patients. Antiparasitic treatment with triclabendazole at 10 mg/kg/day for 2 days led to symptom relief in all patients. CONCLUSIONS The findings from this observational epidemiological study have highlighted the importance of recognizing, diagnosing, and managing fascioliasis, which is an emerging zoonosis associated with increased human proximity to plant-eating domestic and farmed animals.

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