Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure conducted to remove a part orwhole of uterus with or without ovaries and fallopian tubes. Uterusalso known as “Womb” is a muscular, bag like organ which holds theembryo later fetus for the whole gestation period till birth. Uterus notonly makes a woman fertile, it also holds endocrine functions whichare very much important for balanced hormonal conditions of afemale. Various medical conditions require hysterectomy forexample, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, prolongedheavy vaginal bleedings, adenomyosis and adherent placenta. It is theleast option to be selected when there is no option to treat theundergoing medical condition. Although most of the hysterectomiesare performed in aged women having age above 40 or 50 where all ormost fertile life has been passed, but it is also common in youngwomen who suffer severe life threatening medical condition likeadherent placenta (placenta previa or accreta) in which placenta isabnormally implanted deeply in the uterine wall and may attach tourinary bladder. There are many types of hysterectomies which areadopted depending upon the medical issues for example, abdominal,vaginal, radical or subtotal. Hysterectomy leads a woman no longerable to reproduce, arrival of possible side effects including weightgain, facial hair growth and no estrogen formation if ovaries are alsoremoved. Most of females refuse for hysterectomy until the doctorsexplain there is no way out. The need of this operation is a majorshock for most of women while relief for some elderly women. Manymyths are associated with this problem. Women feels loss ofwomanhood. Anxiety, emotional disturbances after hysterectomycan lead to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This risk is morecommon in young females who are in their fertile ages.
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