
As we might know that work and safety has become one of lean foundation that mentioned in lean house along with heijunka, kanban, seiryunka, stabilization, JIT, kaizen and jidoka. Safety is number one or as priority is reflected in Anzen Daiichi which includes the establishment of a Health and Safety Committee. One of the fields of study studied in occupational safety is how to make anticipation when a fire emergency occurs. In addition to fire suppression so that it does not spread, the most important thing is to save the workforce in the building or around the fire. It is also mentioned in the Indonesian Minister of Public Works Decree “KEPMEN No.10 / KPTS / 2000”,” PERMEN No.26 / PRT / M / 2008”, concerning about Technical Requirements of Fire Protection Systems in Buildings and the Environment. This study will focus on the feasibility of emergency exit facilities at labour-intensive companies with a workforce of more than 15,000 employees. An evaluation of the adequacy of the facility will also provide an overview of how well the layout design is done in anticipation of an emergency. Comparison of theoretical emergency exit needed with actual exist in factory would be used as reference to improve leadership knowledge and could be used to strengthen analysis of emergency plan at the audit tools from customer. Theoretical calculation result of Emergency Exit required in PT. PIN is very sufficient when compared to the existing rules.

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