Multi-layered Silicon Carbide (SiC) cladding has been proposed to replace the current Zircaloy (Zr) cladding in existing nuclear power plants. Due to its ceramic property, SiC may have a different failure mechanism from that of metallic Zr clad. This characteristic should be considered in designing the plant’s safety system performance, such that the fuel’s integrity is reasonably assured during accident scenarios.This paper aims at optimizing the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) performance criteria in mitigating LBLOCA accidents at a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) using the uranium dioxide fuel and duplex or triplex SiC cladding structures. Clad failures by brittle fractures and thermal degradation were modeled in a fuel analysis code. This fuel model was coupled with the RELAP5 plant model by adapting the fuel’s mesh configuration and formulating the effective heat transfer coefficients. A model to quantify the likelihood of clad functional failure as a combination of individual layer fractures at various axial positions was proposed. Updated SiC material properties were gathered from recent reference studies. Clad reliability estimates using the proposed model were compared with the estimates obtained using other models. The results were used to relax the criterion of required actuation timing of ECCS, such that the risk of the new plant design is less or equal to that of the initial plant configuration.Triplex clad was more reliable than duplex clad and Zr, reducing the conditional core damage probability by three orders of magnitude in the reference LBLOCA scenario. Compressive stresses due to irradiation swelling played the determining role in the vulnerabilities of each clad design. The duplex clad was vulnerable to pressure-loading stresses while triplex clad was prone to fail due to thermal shocks experienced during the LOCA reflood phase. Additionally, it was concluded that the most vulnerable axial fuel rod location in the reference LBLOCA scenario was located at the highest axial power peaking location.A sensitivity study on the ECCS timing density was conducted. The results showed that ECCS actuation timing could be extended from the initial technical specification, without increasing the fuel damage likelihood. The time extension was distributed in the order of several hundreds of seconds, which was comparable with time extensions offered by FeCrAl and Cr-coated-Zr clad designs in LBLOCA scenarios. This time extension may potentially reduce the failure probabilities of EDGs and pumps, hence improving the plant safety further.
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