
Anther and ovule development of the theaceous Ternstroemioideae is reported for the first time on the basis of eight specles of three generaAdinandra, Cleyera andEurya. Anthers of these three genera are similar and can be characterized by the following traits: tapetum of glandular type, anther dehiscing latrorse-introrse, both connective and anther epidermis heavily tanniniferous, and connective and even anther wall layers having abundant druses. Their ovules are also very similar in being bitegmic and tenuinucellate, and in having a micropyle formed by the inner integument only, three cell-layered integuments, a raphe bundle terminating at chalaza, usually amphitropous or less often campylotropous ovule, embryo sac formation of Polygonum type, ephemeral antipodal cells, and tanniniferous ovule epidermis. Such ovules are readily distinguishable from those of Camellioideae and all other families. It is suggested that the three genera studied are closely related, and that the degree of embryological specialization is highest inAdinandra and lowest inEurya. On the basis of the significant embryological discrepacies, the Ternstroemioideae seem to have diverged rather distantly from the other core-subfamily Camellioideae of the Theaceae.

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