
This study delves into the integration of digital technology within educational frameworks, specifically focusing on its influence on the academic performance of undergraduate accounting students. The study seeks to uncover the multifaceted aspects of how technological interventions shape learning outcomes, by exploring the intersections of digital tools and accounting education. Specifically, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of a digital innovation that we named as Interactive Accounting Discourse Module (INTERACC) in undergraduates’ accounting courses. This innovation provides convenience in accessing learning materials such as e-notes, discussions, and interactive assessments using digital devices and gadgets. Data were gathered through surveys with accounting students to obtain their feedback about the effective teaching and learning process especially for reading-based courses. In addition to the questionnaires, students’ performance was analyzed through the comparison of course learning outcomes achievements before and after the intervention. The findings indicate INTERACC improved the learning outcomes of the course and students showed positive attitudes toward using it in terms of its ease of use, usefulness, and accessibility. As such, this research is an attempt to contribute to the development of an interactive platform for accounting students that could create enjoyable learning, and yet informative experience.

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