
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) become more and more popular for learners of all ages to study further or to learn new subjects of interest. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a different MOOC course style. Typically, video content is shown teaching the student new information. After watching a video, self-test questions can be answered. Finally, the student answers weekly exams and final exams like the self-test questions. Out of the points that have been scored for weekly and final exams a certificate can be issued. Our approach extends the possibility to receive points for the final score with practical programming exercises on real hardware. It allows the student to do embedded programming by communicating over GPIO pins to control LEDs and measure sensor values. Additionally, they can visualize values on an embedded display using web technologies, which are an essential part of embedded and smart home devices to communicate with common APIs. Students have the opportunity to solve all tasks within the online remote lab and at home on the same kind of hardware. The evaluation of this MOOCs indicates the interesting design for students to learn an engineering technique with new technology approaches in an appropriate, modern, supporting and motivating way of teaching.

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