
The electronic structure of phenol blue (PB) was investigated in several protic and aprotic solvents, in a wide range of dielectric constants, using atomistic simulations. We employed the sequential QM/MM and the free energy gradient methods to optimize the geometry of PB in each solvent at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level. The ASEC mean field is used to include the ensemble average of the solute-solvent interaction into the molecular hamiltonian, both for the geometry optimization and for the calculations of the electronic properties. We found that the geometry of PB changes considerably, from a polyene-like structure in nonpolar solvents to a cyanine-like in water. Moreover, and quite interestingly, in protic solvents with higher dielectric constant than water, the structure of the molecule is less affected and lies in an intermediate state. The results illustrate the important role played by hydrogen bonds in the conformation of merocyanine dyes.

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