
The elliptic flow excitation function calculated in a Boltzmann approach with an intermediate hydrodynamic stage for heavy-ion reactions from GSI-SIS to the highest CERN-SPS energies is discussed in the context of the experimental data. The specific setup with initial conditions and freeze-out from a non-equilibrium transport model allows for a direct comparison between ideal fluid dynamics and hadronic transport simulations. At higher SPS energies, where the pure transport calculation cannot account for the high elliptic flow values, the smaller mean free path in the hydrodynamic evolution leads to higher elliptic flow values. The lower mean free path leads to higher pressure gradients in the early stage and as a consequence to higher elliptic flow values even without a phase transition. Special emphasis is put on the influence of the initial conditions on the results of the hybrid model calculation. Event-by-event fluctuations are directly taken into account via event-wise non-equilibrium initial conditions generated by the primary collisions and string fragmentations in the microscopic UrQMD model. This leads to non-trivial velocity and energy density distributions for the hydrodynamical initial conditions. Due to the more realistic initial conditions and the incorporated hadronic rescattering the results are in line with the experimental data almost over the whole energy range from E lab=2–160A GeV.

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