Climate change is associated with advancing phenology of seasonal traits in many taxa, but shifts by higher trophic levels are generally reduced compared with those of lower trophic levels. For example, the eclosion date of caterpillars and the lay date of insectivorous passerine birds have both advanced recently, but the former has done so more than the latter. While the ensuring phenological mismatch between predator and prey is well-documented, our understanding of the origins of this mismatch is more limited. Here we shed light on the interplay between ambient temperature, breeding phenology and reproductive success in a single population of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) nesting over a 1000 m (~5 °C) elevational gradient in the French Pyrenees. During the six years of this study, we found that average breeding phenology varied by 2-9 days among years, but was on average 11 d earlier at low versus high elevation. Despite the delay, breeding at high elevation was associated with lower and more variable temperatures during breeding. Early breeders within a given year generally had larger clutch sizes than late breeders, which led to more offspring fledged as typically found in other studies. However, in three of the six years, the probability of producing fledglings was actually lower among early layers. Additionally, birds breeding at high elevations who experience conditions typical of early breeders in other populations had reduced hatching success and were significantly less likely to fledge any young compared with those breeding at lower elevation. Reduced success at high elevation was not obviously driven by higher nest predation, which was exceptionally low, or reduced food availability because high elevation birds laid clutches of comparable size and fledged the same number of offspring of comparable mass as those breeding at low elevation. Our study reveals the capacity for substantial variation in breeding phenology within a population, but that the success of early breeders varies across years and temperature gradients. We suggest that the evolution of phenological advancements by small endotherms might be curtailed by increased probability of experiencing, and failure under, challenging meteorological conditions in late winter or very early spring.
Recent meta-analyses show that organisms of diverse taxonomic groups are responding to earlier springs by advancing the timing of key life events (Thackeray et al, 2010, 2016)
Some late nesting attempts are likely to be explained by re-clutching following rare early abandonment or failure, but blue tits are not doublebrooded in our population. Both elevation and year had a significant impact on average breeding phenology
There was a significant interaction between year and elevation on lay dates, with lay date being delayed to a greater extent at high elevation in some years (e.g., 2013) than others (e.g., 2017) (F5,507 = 8.46, P < 0.001; Figure 2B)
Recent meta-analyses show that organisms of diverse taxonomic groups are responding to earlier springs by advancing the timing of key life events (Thackeray et al, 2010, 2016). A classic example is seen in invertebrates and insectivorous birds breeding in northern temperate latitudes, with invertebrate prey advancing their date of emergence more than predatory birds are advancing their lay dates (Visser et al, 1998; Both et al, 2009a,b) This differential in phenological change leads to the well-documented concept of phenological mismatch, with predators increasingly rearing their offspring after the peak of prey availability (e.g., Durant et al, 2007; Visser et al, 2012). With their faster generation times, prey are able to evolve adaptive responses to advancing springs more rapidly than predators with longer generation times (Cushing, 1969; Visser and Both, 2005) Another possibility, is that endothermic predators, such as birds, are constrained from advancing breeding phenology to the same extent as their invertebrate prey because they suffer more directly and/or indirectly from cold weather (Visser et al, 2015). Testing this ‘environmental constraints’ hypothesis requires investigating the interplay between temperature, breeding phenology and success which can be challenging in natural settings
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