
The article presents the results of research on the development of elements of the cultivation technology of original varieties of lettuce in irrigated conditions of the Volga delta aimed to provide the citizens with vitamin products of own production within early-spring and autumn periods. The prospective grades of lettuce are selected: Miret RZ (Iceberg variety), Bacio RZ (Romen variety), Anthony RZ (Lollo Rossa variety) and Sigal RZ (Frisse variety). It was defined the seeding time; periods of planting of seedlings in open field and cut-off of saleable products. The highest yield, in average 31,1-33,5 t/ha, was received by Iceberg and Romen varieties of lettuce. For all the planting times, it was registered the high marketability of the produced output – for the Romen and Iceberg varieties – 98%, for the Lollo Rossa and Frisse varieties – 96%. According to the results of the chemical analysis, it was found that all varieties with the summer planting on the average accumulated less of dry matter by 6,12% and the amount of sugar by 39,87%, and had more value of vitamin C by 47,27% and nitrates by 103 mg/kg. The highest level of profitability of 407,8% was received on the cultivation of the Romen variety with the early-spring seeding. Due to their high taste properties, quality and external appeal produced lettuce products are very unique and in demand on the market.

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