
The article deals with the relevance of anti-utopian discourse in the twentieth century, which is considered a time of anti-utopian social thinking in view of historical reality. The study outlines the problems of transformation of the genre of anti-utopia in the postmodern era on the basis of the most notable research on the material of modern Ukrainian prose. It is emphasized that anti-utopia in the XXI century expands the boundaries of its existence as a literary genre, becoming a socio-cultural phenomenon of perception of reality. The list of characteristic features of the genre of literary anti-utopia is given. Based on the analysis of the novel "Radio Night" by Yu. Andrukhovych, the author finds out that this text contains features of both utopia and anti-utopia. The utopian thinking embodied in the work is based on an optimistic perception of the past, anti-utopianism is rooted in the area of doubt, which emphasizes the negative aspects of society and social consciousness as a result of the effect of dependence on previous development ("path dependence") or the effect of track, social inertia, when the negative attitudes that have been developed over the decades make positive progress impossible. It is noted in the article that the anti-utopian nature of the novel by Yu. Andrukhovych is manifested in the reflection of despair in the possibility of embodying the ideals of the Revolution of Dignity, illusory human freedom, the theme of confrontation to the digital sphere, determinism of human destiny, the modality of constant movement, the idea of an artificial man, the creation of a collective negative image of the state. It is stated that the fate of the hero is in the center of the plot, the attention is focused on the consequences of resistance to the system for the privacy of the average person. The article points out that the genre variety of the novel "Radio Night" testifies to the process of genre diffusion in the dynamics of genre transformations: elements of utopia evolve into elements of anti-utopia, micro-elements of science fiction genre are involved, which can be classified as included genre. The synthetic nature of the genre of the text by Yu. Andrukhovych is stated, a conclusion is made about the unfolding of a genre variety of escapic metautopia or postutopia in the novel.

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