
Elementary Italian Grammar


  • In a natural word group, a monosyllable ending with a vowel, or a word stressed on the final vowel, precedes a word beginning with a consonant, this consonant is generally pronounced as if it were double

  • Besides being used on words stressed on the last syllable, as stated above, the grave accent is used on the words già, giù, più, può, and on the following monosyllables which otherwise might be confused with others of thè same spelling but of different meaning: che because da gives di day c is la, li there ne nor se himself si yes tc tea che that da by, from di of e and la, li articles ne of it, of them se if si himself te thee

  • Una is the feminine form of the indefinite article; it becomes un’ before a feminine word beginning with a vowel

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The Italian alphabet consists of the following twentyone letters

The letter j (i lungo') is rarely used in modern Italian, i having taken its place; x (iccase) is found only in such expressions as ex deputato, ex ministro, etc.; the letters k (cappa), w (doppio vu) and y (ipsilori) are used exclusively for the spelling of foreign words. A similar doubling occurs in English only when two words, the first of which ends and the second of which begins with the same consonant sound, are pronounced without a pause between, as good day, penknife, etc. This is true of double c and double g, which are never pronounced separately, as two distinct sounds, as in the English words accept, suggest, etc., but together, with more intensity and length than if they were single Their palatal or guttural nature is determined by their being followed or not by e or i. In a natural word group, a monosyllable ending with a vowel, or a word stressed on the final vowel, precedes a word beginning with a consonant, this consonant is generally pronounced as if it were double. Besides being used on words stressed on the last syllable, as stated above, the grave accent is used on the words già, giù, più, può, and on the following monosyllables which otherwise might be confused with others of thè same spelling but of different meaning: che because da gives di day c is la, li there ne nor se himself si yes tc tea che that da by, from di of e and la, li articles ne of it, of them se if si himself te thee

14. Italian words are divided into syllables according to these rules
Mi mostri sbaglio !
30. Maria dà una matita a
23. Present Indicative of comprare and vendere
26. Che cosa mostro?
Don’t we learn any new verb today ?
11. How many doors has it?
Partivo io col professore ?
Solamente due sedie erano
Review Questions
Insert the proper subject pronoun
Supply the proper form of a suitable adjective in each case
Il Piroscafo
Tuo cugino conosce
18. A chi non sembra incantevole il golfo di Napoli nell’estate?
This morning we invited another lady
67. Present Indicative of Some Irregular Verbs
10. May I speak to Albert?
Continue the following
Replace the words in parentheses by their correct Italian Univalents
Insert a noun in each of the following phrases
Add an adjective to each of the following nouns
Anche le camicette con
93. Imperative of the Four Irregular Verbs of the 1st Conjugation
98. Use of the Conjunctive Personal Pronouns
My uncle
Has she brought it to you?
10. What are you reading now?
He wished to cash
Continue thè following
Replace the words in parentheses by their correct Italian equivalents
Translate into Italian
20. Come chiamiamo Roma di solito?
Italia Centrale
Leone decimo Luigi decimoquarto Canto sesto Capitolo quinto
But the stupid cruelty o
Does he avoid my seeing him?
Fondatori Dell’Unità Italiana
I advise c6
In reading
La cosa è meno facile
Che Dio lo aiuti !
Entrò nella sala
Let them follow my ex*
11. Mi consigliò
12. Two ugy o
Pianto antico
10. Ave Maria!
11. Momento
12. La Carità
13. Falce di luna calante
14. Maggiolata
Infinitive vend-ere to sell
Vestiario e parti del corpo umano 1
Il ristorante2
La campagna4
La via 2
Il teatro 3
XIII. Gli animali 1
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