
The excessive use of Li-ion batteries has resulted in the growing necessity of developing a recycling procedure for them, particularly stemming from their negative impact on the environment as well as the fact that the natural-ore metals contained in them can be replaced. This work presents a re-synthesis of cathode material obtained from spent Li-ion batteries using the co-precipitation method in order to recycle it. The structure of the re-synthesized metal was characterized by XRD and the morphology by SEM. The chemical content of the spent cathode material was determined by FAAS. In order to prove functionality, the electrochemical behaviour was examined in a 1M solution of LiClO4 in propylene carbonate by galvanostatic charging and discharging. Since the initial capacity of the re-synthesized material was 70.6 mAh g-1 when the current of charging/discharging was 100 mA g-1, the fade of capacity was 13% after the initial five cycles. The electrochemical properties of the re-synthesized material were then finally compared to the material re-synthesized by the citrate gel combustion method.


  • Galvanostatsko punjenje i pražnjenje je vršeno u opsegu napona od 2,1 do 4,3V (Li+/Li) pri brzini struje od 100 mA g-1 (0,7C) u 1M rastvoru LiClO4 u propilen karbonatu

  • Since the initial capacity of the re-synthesized material was 70.6 mAh g-1 when the current of charging/discharging was 100 mA g-1, the fade of capacity was 13% after the initial five cycles

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Kao i detaljan opis načina resinteze metodom koprecipitacije, je opisan u našem prethodnom radu [21]. U cilju određivanja hemijske formule i određivanja koliko je bilo potrebno dodati Li da bi se postigao molarni odnos Li:∑M=1:1, hemijska analiza katodnog materijala, posle rastvaranja u 2M HNO3 i 30% H2O2 je izvršena plamenom atomskom apsorpcionom spektrometrijom (FAAS; GBC SensaAA DUAL A). Dobijena hemijska formula resintetisanog katodnog materijala k-LCMNO je LiCo0.415Mn0.435Ni0.15O2 [21]. Strukturna karakterizacija je urađena rendgenskom difrakcijom na prahu (XRD; RigakuUltima IV) sa Ni-filtrovanim CuKα zračenjem (λ=1.54178 Å), brzinom snimanja 2o min-1 u opsegu 490o sa korakom 0.020o, a morfologija je karakterisana skanirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM; JSM-6610LV). Pasta je dobijena mešanjem ispitivanog materijala, ugljeničnog aditiva (vulkan) i PVDF kao veziva rastvorenog u N-metil pirolidonu u odnosu 85:10:5, redom, a potom homogenizovana u ultrazvučnom kupatilu (45 min). Galvanostatsko punjenje i pražnjenje je vršeno u opsegu napona od 2,1 do 4,3V (Li+/Li) pri brzini struje od 100 mA g-1 (0,7C) u 1M rastvoru LiClO4 u propilen karbonatu

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