
The LHC and other experiments show so far no sign of new physics and long-held beliefs about naturalness should be critically reexamined. We discuss therefore in this paper a model with a combined breaking of conformal and electroweak symmetry by a strongly coupled hidden sector. Even though the conformal symmetry is anomalous, this may still provide an explanation of the smallness of electroweak scale compared to the Planck scale. Specifically we start from a classically conformal model, in which a strongly coupled hidden sector undergoes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. A coupling via a real scalar field transmits the breaking scale to the Standard Model Higgs and triggers electroweak symmetry breaking. The model contains dark matter candidates in the form of dark pions, whose stability is being guaranteed by the flavor symmetry of hidden quark sector. We study its relic abundance and direct detection prospects with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio method and discuss the phase transition in the dark sector as well as in the electroweak sector.

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