
Thearticlerevealsthekeyaspectsrelatingtothe influence done by the formallimitationsliterature and some DADA techniques on the modern electronic prose literary texts. The basic types of the formal limitations, which were used in the combinatorial literature of the mid-XX century, can be easily integrated into an electronic literary discourse. The material for this research is the texts in English and in Russian introduced through and with different technologies and platforms. The research presents the general scientific methods of observation and description in combination with the method of a comparative analysis considering the language material and a complex linguistic text analysis, including a lingua-stylistic analysis. During analysis, it has been found that the most part of the electronic generative literary texts are technically improved samples of the formal limitations. However, the electronic environment gives to them the ambivalent status. Despite the fact that a surface level of poetic text has an open structure and arbitrary nature of linking components, an internal structure of each electronic sample text is predetermined. In each electronic literary generative text, there is a complex set of algorithmic limits whose final number leads to organizing a verbal level of a literary work. The basic marker, highlighting OULIPO (Ouvroir de literature potentielle) combinatorial technique, influences electronic literature, shows the rapid increase of texting data volume involved into the programmed generator work that is attributed to the use of artificial intelligence.

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