Children (aged 0-14 years) living with HIV often experience lower rates of HIV diagnosis, treatment, and viral load suppression. In Haiti, only 63% of children living with HIV know their HIV status (compared to 85% overall), 63% are on treatment (compared to 85% overall), and 48% are virally suppressed (compared to 73% overall). Electronic medical records (EMRs) can improve HIV care and patient outcomes, but these benefits are largely dependent on providers having access to quality and nonmissing data. We sought to understand the associations between EMR data missingness and interruption in antiretroviral therapy treatment by age group (pediatric vs adult). We assessed associations between patient intake record data missingness and interruption in treatment (IIT) status at 6 and 12 months post antiretroviral therapy initiation using patient-level data drawn from iSanté, the most widely used EMR in Haiti. Missingness was assessed for tuberculosis diagnosis, World Health Organization HIV stage, and weight using a composite score indicator (ie, the number of indicators of interest missing). Risk ratios were estimated using marginal parameters from multilevel modified Poisson models with robust error variances and random intercepts for the facility to account for clustering. Data were drawn from 50 facilities and comprised 31,457 patient records from people living with HIV, of which 1306 (4.2%) were pediatric cases. Pediatric patients were more likely than adult patients to experience IIT (n=431, 33% vs n=7477, 23.4% at 6 months; P<.001). Additionally, pediatric patient records had higher data missingness, with 581 (44.5%) pediatric records missing at least 1 indicator of interest, compared to 7812 (25.9%) adult records (P<.001). Among pediatric patients, each additional indicator missing was associated with a 1.34 times greater likelihood of experiencing IIT at 6 months (95% CI 1.08-1.66; P=.008) and 1.24 times greater likelihood of experiencing IIT at 12 months (95% CI 1.05-1.46; P=.01). These relationships were not statistically significant for adult patients. Compared to pediatric patients with 0 missing indicators, pediatric patients with 1, 2, or 3 missing indicators were 1.59 (95% CI 1.26-2.01; P<.001), 1.74 (95% CI 1.02-2.97; P=.04), and 2.25 (95% CI 1.43-3.56; P=.001) times more likely to experience IIT at 6 months, respectively. Among adult patients, compared to patients with 0 indicators missing, having all 3 indicators missing was associated with being 1.32 times more likely to experience IIT at 6 months (95% CI 1.03-1.70; P=.03), while there was no association with IIT status for other levels of missingness. These findings suggest that both EMR data quality and quality of care are lower for children living with HIV in Haiti. This underscores the need for further research into the mechanisms by which EMR data quality impacts the quality of care and patient outcomes among this population. Efforts to improve both EMR data quality and quality of care should consider prioritizing pediatric patients.
Published Version
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