
Experimental results concerning the Hall mobility of n-GaAs samples are compared to calculated values in the low-temperature range. The procedure used takes into account the actual value for the scattering factor rH which up to present had been considered equal to 1. In this temperature range where ionized impurity scattering is predominant, rH can reach values as high as 1.5 for pure samples. As a consequence, by the present analysis more accurate information about the impurity concentration in the samples can be obtained. Des resultats experimentaux concernant la mobilite de Hall d'echantillons de n-GaAs out ete compares aux valeurs calculees aux basses temperatures. La procedure utilisee tient compte de la valeur reelle du facteur de diffusion rH qui a ete consideree egale a 1 jusqu'a present. Dans la gamme de temperature ou la dispersion par les impuretes ionisees est predominante, rH peut atteindre des valeurs depassant 1,5 pour les echantillons les plus purs. En consequence, l'analyse presente nous permet d'obtenir une information plus precise sur les concentrations en impuretes des echantillons.

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