
Structural studies in experimental biology or in pathology are frequently extended from the light to the electron microscopic level. This is often done by cutting both semithin (about 1 μm) and thin sections from the same tissue block after embedding for electron microscopy. However, in many studies it would be of great value to analyse the same structure both by light and electron microscopy, i.e. to be able to study by electron microscopy an object which is first detected by light microscopy in a semithin section. To achieve this, a method has been developed by which ultrathin sections are cut directly from the semithin section containing the object of interest.Semithin sections, about 1 μ in thickness, are cut from Epon or Vestopal embedded tissue. The sections are placed on ordinary glass slides and stained with toluidine blue. The sections are studied in the light microscope without a cover glass or mounted in water.

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