
The acceleration of plasma electron in intense laser-plasma interaction is investigated analytically and numerically, where the conjunct effect of laser fields and self-consistent spontaneous fields (including quasistatic electric field Esl, azimuthal quasistatic magnetic field Bsθ and the axial one Bsz) is completely considered for the first time. An analytical relativistic electron fluid model using test-particle method has been developed to give an explicit analysis about the effects of each quasistatic fields. The ponderomotive accelerating and scattering effects on electrons are partly offset by Esl, furthermore, Bsθ pinches and Bsz collimates electrons along the laser axis. The dependences of energy gain and scattering angle of electron on its initial radial position, plasma density, and laser intensity are, respectively, studied. The qualities of the relativistic electron beam (REB), such as energy spread, beam divergence, and emitting (scattering) angle, generated by both circularly polarized (CP) and linearly polarized (LP) lasers are studied. Results show CP laser is of clear advantage comparing to LP laser for it can generate a better REB in collimation and stabilization.

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