
A linear accelerator, called RAON, is being developed as a part of the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS). The linear accelerator utilizes an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source for providing intense highly-charged ion beams to the linear accelerator. The 28-GHz ECR ion source can extract heavy-ion beams from protons to uranium. The superconducting magnet system for the 28-GHz ECR ion source is composed of hexapole coils and four solenoid coils made with low-Tc superconducting wires of NbTi. An electromagnetic force acts on the superconducting magnets due to the magnetic field and flowing current in the case of not only the normal state but also the quench state. In the case of quench on hexapole coils, an unbalanced flowing current among the hexapole coils is generated and causes an unbalanced electromagnetic force. Coil motions and coil strains in the quench state are larger than those in the normal state due to the unbalanced electromagnetic force among hexapole coils. Therefore, an analysis of the electromagnetic characteristics of the superconducting magnet for the 28-GHz ECR ion source on series resistance of the protection circuit in the case of quench should be conducted. In this paper, an analysis of electromagnetic characteristics of Superconducting hexapole coils for the 28-GHz ECR ion source according to the series resistance of the protection circuit in the case of quench performed by using finite-elements-method (FEM) simulations is reported.

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