
A study of the effects of electrolyte flow inside the tanks on electrical performance of an industrial-size Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) is presented. The concentration of electrolytes feeding the stacks of VRFBs is crucial in determining the device voltage and overall power performance. Usually, the assumption of perfect mixing in the tanks is assumed, but the hydraulic behavior of large VRFB can deviate significantly from this assumption depending on the electrolyte flow rate, stochiometric factor and geometry of the tanks. In this study, the State of Charge (SoC) measurements have been analyzed, starting from the signal produced by an Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) cell. An experimental campaign has been conducted during charge/discharge roundtrip cycles at different current levels and constant stoichiometric factor. Building on the delay in the voltage response of the battery, a fluid-dynamic model was developed to study how the hydraulic behavior of electrolytes inside tanks influences the electrolyte concentration and, consequently, the SoC of the electrolyte that feeds the stack and the electrical time response of the battery. The model indicated that a stratification of charged electrolyte is responsible for this delay resulting in an initial voltage plateau. A different hydraulic behavior was found in each tank and in each charge/discharge phase. These results highlight the tank role in the industrial-scale VRFB performance. References Sanchez-Diez, E. Ventosa, M. Guarnieri, A. Trovò, C. Flox, R. Marcilla, F. Soavi, P. Mazur, E. Aranzabe, R. Ferret, “Redox flow batteries: status and perspective towards sustainable stationary energy storage”, J. Power Sources, 481, (2021) 228804.Kurilovich, A. Trovò, M. Pugach, K. J. Stevenson, M. Guarnieri. Prospect of Modeling Industrial Scale Flow Batteries – from Experimental Data to Accurate Overpotential Identification, Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 167, (2022) 112559.Trovò, V. Di Noto, J. E. Mengou, C. Gambaro, M. Guarnieri. Fast Response of kW-Class Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy 12, (2021) 2413–2422.Trovò, M. Rugna, N. Poli, M. Guarnieri. Prospects for industrial vanadium flow batteries, Ceram. Int., 49 (14), (2023) 24487-24498.Maggiolo, A. Trovò, M. Guarnieri, “Reactant Flow in Flow Batteries”, in L. Cabeza (ed.), Encyclopedia of Energy Storage, vol. 4, pp. 231-242. Oxford: Elsevier. March 2022.A. Prieto-Díaz, S. E. Ibáñez, M. Vera. Fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small vanadium redox flow batteries: Insights from order-of-magnitude estimates and transient two-dimensional simulations, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 216, (2023) 124567.Trovò, N. Poli, M. Guarnieri. New strategies for the evaluation of Vanadium Flow Batteries: testing prototypes, Cur. Opin. Chem. Eng. 37, (2022) 100853. Figure 1

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