
A voltammetric method for the determination of trace amounts of indole butyric acid was developed. DP voltammetry of indole butyric acid exhibits tensammetric peak at the adsorption and desorption potential of indole butyric acid. In the potential range where adsorption occurs, the base current is depressed. The determination method is based on the adsorption of indole butyric acid on a hanging mercury drop electrode and desorption of indole butyric acid at negative tensammetric peak. The system showed no positive tensammetric peak on hanging mercury drop electrode under the experimental conditions. The tensammetric peak potential of indole butyric acid was between −500 and −600 mV (versus Ag/AgCl), depending on pH, accumulation potential, accumulation time, sweep rate, pulse amplitude and so on. Variation of the sweep rate between 40 and 140 mV/s caused a linear increase in the tensammetric peak height. The peak current was proportional to the concentration of IBA over the range 40–320 μg/L under optimum experimental conditions (pH = 3.5, accumulation potential of −1.2 V and accumulation time of 120 s).

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