Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) consist of a gate dielectric and an organic semiconductor film. The performance of organic electronic devices substantially depends on the dielectric properties of the insulating gate layer. Only a few key parameters, primarily the dielectric constant and the resulting device capacitance, have been regarded to be of central importance. Many insulating layers are however not simple dielectrics, an example are space charge gate electrets with internally trapped charges. Space charge gate electrets affect the electrical characteristics of diodes and transistors in a much more sophisticated manner, they are for example the key element in flash memories. We present impedance measurements of an organic metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) diode and corresponding measurements of a related organic field effect transistor. Both devices have a comparable design, with polyvinylalcohol as gate electret and the methanofullerene PCBM as organic semiconductor. Pronounced electret effects of charge injection and trapping are observed by impedance measurements of the MIS structure and these effects are found equally expressed in the electrical characteristics of the OFET configuration, reflecting first steps towards organic flash memories
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