
Accurate and efficient prediction of electric water boiler (EWB) energy consumption is significant for energy management, effective demand response, cost minimisation, and robust control strategies. Adequate tracking and prediction of user behaviour can enhance renewable energy mini-grid (REMD) management. Fulfilling these demands for predicting the energy consumption of electric water boilers (EWB) would facilitate the establishment of a new framework that can enhance precise predictions of energy consumption trends for energy efficiency and demand management, which necessitates this state-of-the-art review. This article first reviews the factors influencing the prediction of energy consumption of electric water boilers (EWB); subsequently, it conducts a critical review of the current approaches and methods for predicting electric water boiler (EWB) energy consumption for residential building applications; after that, the performance evaluation methods are discussed. Finally, research gaps are ascertained, and recommendations for future work are summarised.

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