
The northern Elbrus region is the Greater Caucasus most thoroughly studied sector. Here, in the Bolshoi Zelenchuk Baksan interfluve, the Caucasus pre-Alpine basement, represented by a granite-metamorphic layer, is visible. The interdisciplinary research information support is considered, which covers the Caucasus pre-Alpine development two competing concepts theoretical and methodological foundations - geosynclinals and new global tectonics. The article authors have identified geological objects that disprove a large thrust structures number presence. It is shown that the Russia Petrographic Code terminology, published in 1995, is not consistent with the Stratigraphic Code terminology (1977, 1992, 2006). This led to the synonyms and homonyms emergence. Following the PK-95 requirements in the explanatory note to the K-38-1 tablet map led to the SC logically justified and consistent with the instructions’ destruction, metamorphic formations stratigraphic schemes developed over 50 years.

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