
The elastic response of a [001]-oriented and -poled ferroelectric rhombohedral lead zinc niobate-lead titanate single crystal close to the morphotropic phase region is examined under thermal, electrical, and mechanical boundaries similar to those used in sound projectors. Resonance measurements yielded a monotonically decreasing Young’s modulus as a function of temperature in the ferroelectric rhombohedral state with a sudden stiffening near the ferroelectric rhombohedral (FR)-ferroelectric tetragonal (FT) transition. The quasistatic, zero-field stress-strain response revealed a FR instability under uniaxial compression. A dc bias field stabilized the FR state under compressive stress. Young’s modulus derived from the linear elastic response below instability agrees well with resonance data for FR. A larger modulus than expected for FT was observed above instabilities. The elastic response is analyzed in terms of ferroelectric-ferroelectric transitions as predicted by a high-order Devonshire theory. Implications for sound projectors are discussed.

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