
Elastic-wave velocities of drill-core specimens with mineral compositions and textures of elastic rocks at Niger Delta, Nigeria, can be useful for identifying large zones of high porosity or high clay content (such as some fault zones, or the clay-rich haloes surrounding known uranium ore bodies). The overall objective of this study is to identify zones of high porosity and high clay contents using elastic-wave velocities Vp and Vs, and the ratio Vp/Vs. Thin sections were studied, and measurement of Vp, Vs, and porosity were made from cylindrical core specimens representing the Niger Delta Agbada Formation. Multiple linear regression has been employed to determine 1\Vp and 1\Vs, and the ratio Vp/Vs as a function of porosity (Φ) and clay fraction (Fc) for all specimen from the study area. The seismic velocities Vp and Vs, and the ratio Vp/Vs for Agbada sediment are found to be influenced by changes in porosity more strongly than by changes in clay content by a factor of approximately four. For clay fractions less than 0.15, simple linear relationships appear to exist between the reciprocal velocities 1/Vp and 1/Vs, and the ratio Vp/Vs, and porosity. Keywords: compressional, shear velocity, porosity, permeability, clastic rock Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Vol. 4(1) 2005: 82-89

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