
Feminicide is a form of extreme violence that women suffer constantly, both in their public and private lives, and, simultaneously, it is also a cry for life that resonates around the world and in Latin America and the Caribbean. Gender violence in the Americas constitutes, from the point of view of the Catholic Church Teachings, a purification challenge for culture and an invitation to listen to the cry for justice (cf.EG 69, 188 and 212). This interpellation is also an opportunity to grant greater value to women’s theological contributions: a hermeneutics of social suffering of violence, some essential ways of nonviolent resistance that establish a dialogue with the practices of many women, and pastoral accompaniment in critical situations, among others. A listening engaged with the cry of feminicide in the region can contribute to an ecclesial renewal, foster equal relations between men and women, and bring about some guidelines for an urban pastoral with views towards inclusiveness.

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