
Eight formations are identified in carbonate platform series of upper Cretaceous age (up­ per Albian-lower Campanian) in Yecla regio n (Prebetic palaeogeographic setting, Murcia province, SE Spain). Their stratigraphical and sedimentological analysis allows to differen­ ciate two depositional megasequences with their internal divisions and evolutionary trends, and then to compare them with those of the Iberian Cordillera. The major patterns of both basin evolutions are suprabasinal. In prebetic pasive margin, the first megasequence (of up­ per Albian-upper Cenomanian pro parte age) is controlled by eustatism, great subsidence and sinsedimentary tectonics. The second (uppermost Cenomanian-lower Campanian), cha­ racterized by a greater stability, is strongly controlled by Iberian Plate geodinamics. On the other hand, biostratigraphic data permits, by once, to date upper Cenomanian platform se­ diments in Prebetic area, and to questionate about Turonian existence.

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