
Numero 96 Septiembre - Diciembre 1999 Nueva Serie Ano XXXII ISSN 0041 8633 EL CONTROL NORMATIVO DE LA CONSTITUCIONALIDAD EN PERU: CRONICA DE UN FRACASO ANUNCIADO Francisco FERNANDEZ SEGADO The Constitution of Peru, now as before, goes on being an instru-ment to harass those law abiding people, while it allows free hands to those who trample down and look down on it. Throughout its life, the attempts to structure the control of constitutionality have been shy: the l920 Constitution consecrated the civil right of habeas corpus, and the l979 Constitution shelter-ed the Constitutional Guarantees Court. In this essay, the author describes how the authoritarian structure of Fujimoris power got rid of the uncomfortable legal and human obstacles that tried to check its arbitrariness; the definitive crush of the constitutional control was achieved on May, the 28th, l997, by the removal of the three magistrates that dared defy the omnimodous power of the Peruvian President . * Nota: Debido que la traduccion es automatica podra ser inexacta o contener errores.

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