
Local wisdom is a source of knowledge and worldview of the people. However, modernity and its various developments, which are often perceived as a new value system that is superior to local values, pose a threat to its existence. This research aims to describe the local wisdom of Madurese and its existence in the modern era. This study used descriptive-qualitative method. The data source of this study was Zainul Muttaqin’s short story anthology Celurit Hujan Panas (2019). The data were collected by reading-taking note technique. The data analysis techniques included presenting data, reducing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that Madurese local wisdom was more dominated by a number of sacred values with an emphasis on aspects of Madurese spirituality. Various local wisdoms must wrestled with themselves and external influences to stay afloat. In this modern era, Madura's local wisdom is on the verge of shifting, i.e. maintaining a number of noble values that have been passed on for generations or participating in the stream of modernization that prioritizes development and rationality

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