
Purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the global biotechnology market, highlighting its immense size, rapid growth, and significant contributions to various sectors. It discusses key drivers of growth, current dynamics, key players, expected prospects, regional market distributions, and the role of biotechnology in addressing sustainability challenges. Overall, it emphasizes the promising future of the biotechnology sector and its potential for significant growth and impact on economic value creation and sustainability. Methodology/methods where various sources such as academic papers, industry reports, statistical data, and expert analysis provide an overview of the global biotechnology market. It covers aspects such as market size, growth trends, key players, regional analysis, and prospects. Scientific aim of the article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the global biotechnology market, covering its current size, growth trends, key players, regional dynamics, and prospects. Through data analysis and expert insights, the article aims to shed light on the immense potential of the biotechnology sector and its role in driving economic growth, technological innovation, and sustainability. Findings includes Market Size and Growth as notable advancements in gene technologies have spurred the emergence of new scientific fields like proteomics, genomics, and metabolomics, contributing to the sector's expansion. Then Regional Dynamics in North America, led by the United States, currently dominates the global biotechnology market. However, regions like Europe and Asia-Pacific, particularly India and China, are expected to experience significant growth in the coming years. Conclusions (limits, implications etc.) Biotechnology's potential is to provide sustainable solutions to global challenges, making it a promising sector with significant future growth prospects. The increasing demand for organic agricultural products, advancements in clinical testing, and the development of more effective hybrid plants and animals are expected to drive further growth in the biotechnology market.

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