
Islamic economic revival is to prove that the teachings of Islam as a comprehensive teaching concept, gives rahmatan lil-alamin for all beings in this world. Rahmatan lil-alamin in Islamic economics is a fundamental essence transformed into justice. Where justice created in Islamic economics seeks to reduce social disparities present in everyday life. Social disparity has created a gap between the haves and the haves not, so that socio-economic conflicts arose among the people, which led to divisions among the people. To obtain the data, facts, information that will reveal and explain the problem, use descriptive method with qualitative approach, the research methodology literature (library research), which conducted a study of books and other information related to the issues discussed in order to gain a clear and field research (field research), which the author conducted a study to go directly to the object of research. The purpose of this study is to know exactly how significant the impact of the implementastiom of Islamic economic to reduce disparity of the economy, which emphasizes the value of equity in it. Based on the results of this study can be seen that assistance contained in the Islamic economy by providing equal opportunity in the form of capital, either through equity business (mudharabaha and musharaka) or social capital (zakah, infak, sadaqa, wakaf, hibah) have a significant impact improved livelihoods of the people.

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