
Doxiadis (1969) in ekistics states that settlements are where people life and existence. Ekistics is one of the efforts that must be made to address the increasingly complex problems due to the increasing population growth and increasing land use Therefore, a settlement consists of the content (the content) that is human and where the physical human lives that include natural and man-made elements (the container). The formation of settlement morphology consists of planned and unplanned settlements, the method used in ekistics research in planned and unplanned settlements is the study of literature with descriptive analysis. Sampling used in this study is a planned settlement Kelurahan Baluwarti in Solo and an unplanned settlement that is a Kelurahan Gentan in kabupaten Sukoharjo. The result of this study is (1) The Concept of Ekistics exists in planned or unplanned settlements (2) The very noticeable difference between planned and unplanned settlements is the social condition of the community.

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