
Turkey has a deep-rooted educational tradition. Even in the days when the war of independence was intense, education was one of the issues that Atatürk cared about the most. Atatürk came from the front and convened the Education Congress in Ankara. The training programs and teacher training policy to be implemented next were discussed at the congress, and in this direction, primary and secondary school programs and the training of village teachers were focused on. Despite the fact that the expected and targeted results of the congress could not be obtained due to the war in which the country is engaged, and it was completed early, the fact that the congress was convened even in a war environment shows the importance that Atatürk attaches to education. After the proclamation of the Republic, the content of the general framework drawn by Atatürk was created by the intellectuals of the Republic, thus initiating social change. During this period, the regulations made in the field of education have been a means of protecting the new system and adopting the values of the Republic. The teaching programs implemented in schools have been shown as one of the most important reasons for the failure in education for many years during the Republican period. Educational programs have been criticized by every government and even different ministers in the same government until today, it has been complained that the subjects are given too intensively and based on memorization, these discussions have extended to the present day. The most basic problem in the planning and implementation of educational programs is that the programs are designed independently of the basic components of education. Especially at the application point, the degree to which teachers and learning-teaching environments and other basic components of education are ready and suitable for this application has been ignored. Dec. The main purpose of the programs is to make the student more active, to ensure their learning by dealing with each student separately and using appropriate methods for students whose learning levels are different. However, in order for this theoretically ideal approach to achieve the desired goals in practice, both teachers in the position of practitioners and the educational environments in which the program will be implemented must be prepared for it. Key Words: Education Management, Education Manager, Teacher, Education Plans and Programs

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