
English French and the origin of the definition of communication in our language, corresponds to the meaning of the word communication in French and English. The origin of the word means to share, to make common, and one of the goals of communication is to consent. The only purpose of being able to reach a partnership is to share feelings, thoughts and information with each other. The definition of communication in a general sense is the process of Deciphering meanings between individuals who interact with each other. Information is shared spontaneously between individuals in institutions arising from the obligation to work Decently in business life. Organizational communication, on the other hand, covers the flow of legal and illegal data in an open and step-type system. Formal communication is the communication system that occurs in accordance with the organizational structure of the enterprise. The bond between the subordinate and superiors gains functionality depending on formal communication. Dec. The purpose of formal communication is to obtain the necessary information for the group, to create the desired attitude for employees to be satisfied with the job, and to transfer information to the relevant people when necessary. The formal communication system shows the channels that are connected with the hierarchical structure of the organization and transfer information with the environment. Non-formal communication; natural groups within the organization, friends, family, etc. it shows the organizational communication channels that work in the direction of satisfying their needs and are based on personal relationships. Communication related to form has the role of ensuring the connection and coordination between the different organs, elements and tasks of the organization, as well as ensuring organizational integrity, determining responsibilities and fulfilling tasks. Dec. Organizational communication is not maintained only through formal channels created within the framework of a hierarchical order determined by the organization. Apart from this formal structure, another of the channels that provide organizational communication is non-formal communication channels. It is impossible to block non-formal communication, it is really important that the manager manages to turn this communication channel in favor of business purposes. The good functioning of formal communication channels is not always sufficient for organizational communication. No matter how well these channels work, non-formal communication will definitely arise due to issues arising from the need to socialize, such as friendship, sharing interests in every environment where people are together Key Words: Educational Institutions, Organizational Communication, Communication Function, Communication Method

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