
Since my last descriptive paper on mites of this family in this state (Muma 1962), eight new forms have been identified. They are described and illustrated below. The nomenclature and terminology used in this paper are the same as those utilized in Muma (1964). Evans (1963) has demonstrated the stability and taxonomic usefulness of variations of leg chaetotaxy in Mesostigmata. In the Phytoseiidae the chaetotaxy of genu II and genu III is variable. Accordingly genual chaetotaxy of legs II and III are cited in the descriptions. Scutal, macrosetal and leg development vary widely within the family, therefore, the dorsal and ventral scuta, and legs of females are fully illustrated. Generic citations follow Muma (1961) except that the then designated subgenera of Amblyseius Berlese are recognized here as genera. Typhlodromips De Leon (1965) is accepted for the synonymized Typhlodromopsis De Leon (1959). Types are deposited in the United States National Museum in Washington, D. C. Paratypes are in the Division of Plant Industry collections at Gainesville, Florida and the author's collection. All drawings were made with a phase contrast microscope at 500 to 900X magnification. Measurements are in millimeters.

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