
tapered distally, unbarbed. Dimensions (in mm): preocular width, 0.26-0.30; temple width, 0.37-0.39; head length, 0.29-0.33; prothorax width, 0.29-0.31; metathorax width, 0.40-0.43; total length, 1.75-1.77; genitalia length, 0.67-0.70. Both sexes of C. emersoni are readily separable from all other known owl Colpocephalum by the head shape, the long outer occipital setae, the larger number of marginal pronotal setae, and the presence of an terior tergal setae on abdominal segments I-VIII. Additionally, the anal chaetotaxy of the female and the genitalia of the male are most distinctive. Material examined: 8 females, 3 males from P. badius, Subang, Malaya, 17 August 1962, H. E. McClure. Holotype female, alio type male at the United States National Museum; 4 female, 1 male para types in the collection of Dr. K. C. Emerson; 2 female, 1 male para types at the University of Minnesota; 1 female paratype at the British Museum (Natural History). LITERATURE CITED

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