
This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of selenium sources on egg and hatching traits of native Aseel chicken. Selenium-treated 21-weeks-aged 84 pullets and 12 cockerels from Lakha, Mushki, Peshaweri and Mianwali varieties (21 pullets and 3 cockerels per variety) were divided into three treatment groups A, B and C (7 pullets and 1 cockerel per group). Group A and B were experimental and C was control. Ration for group A was included 0.3 mg/kg Se-yeast, B was included 0.3 mg/kg sodium selenite and C with No selenium. Se-yeast supplementation presented increased egg weight, shell thickness, yolk index, Haugh units; enhanced egg length, breadth, volume, shape index and surface area; decreased dead germ%, dead in shell%, clear egg% and enhanced hatchability%, the hatch of fertile% and chick weight. Present study concluded that Se-yeast is a superior supplement in improving egg quality, geometry and hatching features of indigenous Aseel varieties.

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