Space-Time Frequency (STF) codes for MIMO-OFDM over block-fading channel can achieve rate?? Mt and full-diversity Mt Mr Mb L which is the product of the number of transmit antennas Mt, receive antennas Mr, fading blocks Mb and channel taps L. In this article, time permutation is proposed to provide independent block-fading over Jake’s Doppler power spectrum channel. Moreover, we show the performance variations of STF code as channel delay spread changes. Therefore, we introduce a frequency/time permutation technique in order to remove the frequency correlation among sub-carriers, which subsequently increases the coding gain and achieves maximum diversity. Finally, the symbol error rate (SER) performance of the proposed time/frequency permuted STF codes over independent and correlated MIMO antenna branches under Nakagami fading channel is simulated. We show that the proposed systems provide better performance and more robust to large values of antennas correlation coefficients in comparison with the un-interleaved one.
IntroductionFull diversity gain and higher network capacity becomes the major requirements of wireless system providers
Achieving high data rate, full diversity gain and higher network capacity becomes the major requirements of wireless system providers
The Space-Time Frequency (STF) code structure spreads the algebraic code components in adjacent sub-carriers and adjacent time slots that suffer from high correlation introduced by discrete Fourier transform (DFT) operation and time correlation respectively
Full diversity gain and higher network capacity becomes the major requirements of wireless system providers. MIMO-OFDM system is one of the most attractive techniques to provide these capabilities. Some attention has been devoted to design STF codes for MIMO-OFDM system with Mt transmit antennas, Mr receive antennas, and N-OFDM tones through L multi-path fading channel. There are several papers, which discussed the code structure to provide full diversity gain and high data rate. Su et al proposed the design of full diversity space frequency block code (SFBC) with rate-1 for any number of transmit antennas and arbitrary power delay profiles. The rate-Mt full diversity SFBC was proposed in [2] for any arbitrary number of transmit antennas. Because a zeropadding matrix has to be used when N is not an integer multiple of Mt L, the symbol transmission rate Mt cannot be always guaranteed
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